
Steckbrief von 
Rosalind Bennett


Freitag, 13. Mai 1966


Rochdale, Lancashire, England



Rosalind Sophia Bennett (born 13 May 1966) is an English stage and television actress. Rosalind was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, and trained at The Drama Centre, she went on to a number of stage, television and screen roles. Her film appearances included Miss Pickwick in American Roulette and Eleanor in Restoration. Television roles included an appearance in six episodes of Coronation Street in 1986. Bennett's stage roles include Mary in Juno and the Paycock at the National Theatre. She appeared as Zoe in the Tales of the Unexpected (TV series) episode (9/5) "The Facts of Life" (1988).

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Rosalind Bennett heute?

58 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Rosalind Bennett?

Wo wurde Rosalind Bennett geboren?

Rochdale, Lancashire, England

Mit wem ist Rosalind Bennett verheiratet?

Linus Roache

Personen, die ebenfalls in Rochdale, Lancashire, England geboren sind.
