
Steckbrief von 
Peter Mettler


Sonntag, 07. September 1958


Toronto, Ontario, Canada



Peter Mettler (born September 7, 1958) is a Swiss-Canadian film director and cinematographer. He is best known for his unique, intuitive approach to documentary, evinced by such films as Picture of Light (1994), Gambling, Gods and LSD (2002), and The End of Time (2012). "His peripatetic lens is ever gravitating toward outsiders in search of ecstatic states," writes José Teodoro in Brick, "strange spectacles that defy straightforward documentation, and sacred places that promise some metaphysical deliverance. There are precedents for his methodologies—the films of Chris Marker and Werner Herzog come to mind—but Mettler’s gifts as an open and unobtrusive interviewer and his capacity to discover shared sensibilities between people of vastly diverse cultures and creeds feels singular."

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Peter Mettler heute?

65 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Peter Mettler?

Wo wurde Peter Mettler geboren?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Personen die ebenfalls am Sonntag, 07. September 1958 geboren sind
