
Steckbrief von 
John Williams (West Virginia politician)


Donnerstag, 24. Mai 1990


Morgantown, West Virginia, U.S.



John Williams (born May 24, 1990) is an American politician, currently serving as a Democratic member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, representing the 51st district. In 2018, Democrats — including Williams — swept all five seats in the 51st district, the largest multi-member district in the House.As a result, the Monongalia County delegates, all Democrats, called themselves “The Fab Five” and frequently voted and worked together on bills. This was especially notable given that there was only one Democratic member of the delegation just four years earlier, after the 2014 elections. In 2020, fellow Delegate Rodney Pyles was defeated for re-election by former Republican Delegate Joe Statler, breaking the all-Democratic delegation.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist John Williams (West Virginia politician) heute?

33 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat John Williams (West Virginia politician)?

Wo wurde John Williams (West Virginia politician) geboren?

Morgantown, West Virginia, U.S.

Wo wohnt John Williams (West Virginia politician)?

Morgantown, West Virginia

Wo hat John Williams (West Virginia politician) studiert?

West Virginia University

Personen, die ebenfalls in Morgantown, West Virginia, U.S. geboren sind.
