
Steckbrief von 
Gretta Vosper


Sonntag, 06. Juli 1958


Kingston, Ontario, Canada



Margaret Ann Vosper (born 1958), known as Gretta Vosper, is an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada who is a self-professed atheist. Her beliefs have caused controversy both within and outside of the United Church. In 2016, following the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris, her public statement that the belief in a supernatural God promoted hatred led the United Church of Canada to institute an official review of her suitability as a minister. In 2018 that process was discontinued when Vosper and the United Church reached an agreement that left her free to continue as a minister. Her published works include With or Without God: Why The Way We Live is More Important Than What We Believe and Amen: What Prayer Can Mean in a World Beyond Belief.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Gretta Vosper heute?

65 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Gretta Vosper?

Wo wurde Gretta Vosper geboren?

Kingston, Ontario, Canada