
Steckbrief von 
Don Nickles


Montag, 06. Dezember 1948


Ponca City, Oklahoma, U.S.



Donald Lee Nickles (born December 6, 1948) is an American politician and lobbyist who was a Republican United States Senator from Oklahoma from 1981 to 2005. He was considered both a fiscal and social conservative. After retiring from the Senate as the longest-serving senator from Oklahoma up until that point, he founded the Nickles Group, a lobbying firm.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Don Nickles heute?

76 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Don Nickles?

Wo wurde Don Nickles geboren?

Wo hat Don Nickles studiert?

Oklahoma State University–Stillwater

Bekannte Zitate von Don Nickles

And the whole world, the whole world that believes in freedom, whether you're talking about personal freedom, economic freedom, religious freedom, they look to the United States for leadership and you're part of that leadership.
But if you look at WorldCom, which is the biggest failure to date, they grew dramatically, they were buying companies that were bigger than they were and they were doing it off inflated stock.

Personen die ebenfalls am Montag, 06. Dezember 1948 geboren sind

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