
Steckbrief von 
Darin Olien


Mittwoch, 04. November 1970


Minnesota, United States



Darin Olien is an American author and podcast host. He is a self-proclaimed "wellness expert", promotes "superfoods" and co-starred as well as produced the Netflix docuseries Down to Earth with Zac Efron in 2020. In 2017, he published SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit and Eternally Awesome, which claims to determine if a person is healthy enough to fight sicknesses. Olien has introduced a number of diet fads and dietary supplements including "healthiest nuts in the world" known as Barukas and Shakeology, a meal replacement.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Darin Olien heute?

53 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Darin Olien?

Wo wurde Darin Olien geboren?

Minnesota, United States

Mit wem ist Darin Olien verheiratet?

Eliza Coupe

Personen, die ebenfalls in Minnesota, United States geboren sind.
