
Steckbrief von 
Chard deNiord


Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 1952


New Haven



Chard deNiord is an American author, Poet Laureate of Vermont (2015–2019), poet, and teacher. He lives in Westminster West, Vermont with his wife Liz. Chard deNiord is the author of five poetry collections Asleep in the Fire (1990), Sharp Golden Thorn (2003), Night Mowing (2005), The Double Truth (2011), and Interstate (2015). His book Sad Friends, Drowned Lovers, Stapled Songs (2011) is a collection of interviews with American poets, including Robert Bly, Lucille Clifton, Jack Gilbert, Donald Hall, Galway Kinnell, Maxine Kumin, and Vermont Poet Laureate Ruth Stone. His new second book of interviews from The University of Pittsburgh Press titled "I Would Lie To You If I Could: Interviews with Ten American Poets", is forthcoming in spring 2018.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Chard deNiord heute?

72 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Chard deNiord?

Wo wurde Chard deNiord geboren?

Wo hat Chard deNiord studiert?

Master of Fine Arts

Personen die ebenfalls am Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 1952 geboren sind

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