
Steckbrief von 
Barry Urban


Dienstag, 10. Dezember 1968



Barry Urban (born 10 December 1968) is a former Australian politician. He was a member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly representing Darling Range from March 2017 until his resignation in May 2018. Urban was elected as a member of the Labor Party but resigned from the party and sat as an independent from November 2017, after a series of scandals involving false claims of his credentials, including his educational qualifications and his wearing of a police overseas service medal to which he had no entitlement.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Barry Urban heute?

55 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Barry Urban?

Personen die ebenfalls am Dienstag, 10. Dezember 1968 geboren sind
