
Steckbrief von 
Ayessha Quraishi


Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 1970



Ayessha Quraishi (born October 28, 1970) is a contemporary visual artist who lives and works in Karachi, Pakistan. Having received her initial art training from Karachi-based educator Nayyar Jamil, she has been working for over three decades on the development of her signature technique and visual language. Her practice often integrates various media including drawing, painting, sculpture, performance and digital photography. Quraishi is a prominent artist whose work has been widely shown, both locally and internationally. She participated in the international Istanbul Biennial in 2019. More recently in 2020, Koel Gallery presented Quraishi’s major mid-career retrospective Between Light in Karachi, featuring works spanning thirty-five years (1985-2020) of her prolific and ongoing career. A

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Ayessha Quraishi heute?

53 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Ayessha Quraishi?
