
Steckbrief von 
Şebnem Sönmez


Mittwoch, 05. Juni 1968





Şebnem Sönmez (born 5 June 1968) is a Turkish theater, movie and television actress. She started her career playing in theater in the Istanbul Pendik Youth Theatre while still a high school student. She performed in groups such as Kartal Art Theatre and Taner Barlas Mim Theatre. After completing and having her diploma from Istanbul State Conservatory, she worked in Dormen Theatre. She then moved on to television roles as she continued her theater experience in Besiktas Cultural Center. She has also taught theater at the kindergarten through high school level and founded the "Yaz Tiyatrosu" (Summer Theatre) group in her school while she continued her acting work.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Şebnem Sönmez heute?

56 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Şebnem Sönmez?

Wo wurde Şebnem Sönmez geboren?

Mit wem ist Şebnem Sönmez verheiratet?

Olgun Şimşek

Wo hat Şebnem Sönmez studiert?

Istanbul State Conservatory

Personen die ebenfalls am Mittwoch, 05. Juni 1968 geboren sind

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