
Steckbrief von 
Rose Kennedy


Dienstag, 22. Juli 1890


Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.





Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy (July 22, 1890 – January 22, 1995) was an American philanthropist, socialite, and matriarch of the Kennedy family. She was deeply embedded in the "lace curtain" Irish American community in Boston. Her father, John F. Fitzgerald, served in the Massachusetts State Senate (1892–1894), in the U.S. House of Representatives (1895–1901, 1919), and as Mayor of Boston (1906–1908, 1910–1914). Her husband, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., chaired the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (1934-1935) and the U.S. Maritime Commission (1937–1938), and served as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1938–1940). Their nine children included United States President John F. Kennedy, U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York, U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, Spe

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie groß ist das Vermögen von Rose Kennedy?


Wie alt ist Rose Kennedy heute?

134 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Rose Kennedy?

Wo wurde Rose Kennedy geboren?

Mit wem ist Rose Kennedy verheiratet?

Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.

Wo ist Rose Kennedy gestorben?

Hyannis Port, Massachusetts

Bekannte Zitate von Rose Kennedy

I tell myself that God gave my children many gifts - spirit, beauty, intelligence, the capacity to make friends and to inspire respect. There was only one gift he held back - length of life.
Make sure you never, never argue at night. You just lose a good night's sleep, and you can't settle anything until morning anyway.
More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause.
I've had an exciting time I married for love and got a little money along with it.
Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments.
What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?
I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demanded the best that I could bring to it.
Neither comprehension nor learning can take place in an atmosphere of anxiety.
It's our money, and we're free to spend it any way we please.
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