
Steckbrief von 
Paul Chavez


Mittwoch, 01. Juli 1964



Paul Chavez (born 1 July 1964) is an American composer of dance music, and a sound designer for installation and theater. He often composes under the project name FeltLike. Chavez has worked in the Los Angeles, California area since 1990 where he did some of his first works at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions where he started as a sound engineer. Chavez's music is influenced by the minimalism of Steve Reich and Paul Dresher and the experimental music of Robert Ashley and Laurie Anderson. His work has been featured at the REDCAT Theater in Los Angeles (part of the Walt Disney Concert Hall) and his recent score for the Arcane Collective's dance work Cold Dream Colour was created in collaboration with U2's The Edge.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Paul Chavez heute?

60 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Paul Chavez?

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