
Steckbrief von 
Liane Russell


Montag, 27. August 1923







Liane Brauch "Lee" Russell (August 27, 1923 – July 20, 2019) was an Austrian-born American geneticist and conservationist. Her studies in mammalian genetics provided the basis for understanding the chromosomic basis for sex determination in mammals and the effects occasioned by radiation, drugs, fuels and waste on mice. Her research allowed better understanding of genetic processes in mammals, mutagenesis and teratogenesis effects on mammals, and knowledge of how these processes can be prevented and avoided. She determined that developing embryos were most vulnerable to the effects of radiation during the first seven weeks of pregnancy and therefore recommended that non-urgent diagnostic X-rays be taken in the 14 days after the onset of a woman's menstrual period, a standard that became in

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Liane Russell heute?

101 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Liane Russell?

Wo wurde Liane Russell geboren?

Mit wem ist Liane Russell verheiratet?

William L. Russell

Wo ist Liane Russell gestorben?

Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Welchen Preis hat Liane Russell gewonnen?

Enrico Fermi Award , Marjory Stoneman Douglas Award

Personen die ebenfalls am Montag, 27. August 1923 geboren sind

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