
Steckbrief von 
Jaron Lanier


Dienstag, 03. Mai 1960


New York City



Jaron Lanier (englisch: ˈdʒɛərɨn lɨˈnɪər; * 3. Mai 1960 in New York) ist ein US-amerikanischer Informatiker, Künstler, Musiker, Komponist, Autor und Unternehmer. Er betrieb von 1984 bis 1990 mit VPL Research ein Unternehmen zur Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen. Seine Positionen gegen die Wikipedia und die Open-Source-Bewegung wurden breit in der Öffentlichkeit diskutiert. Im Jahr 2010 war Jaron Lanier unter den Nominierten der TIME 100 list of most influential people. Im Oktober 2014 wurde er mit dem Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels ausgezeichnet.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist Jaron Lanier von Beruf?

Woher stammt Jaron Lanier?

Wie groß ist das Vermögen von Jaron Lanier?


Wie alt ist Jaron Lanier heute?

64 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Jaron Lanier?

Wo wurde Jaron Lanier geboren?

Wo hat Jaron Lanier studiert?

New Mexico State University

Bekannte Zitate von Jaron Lanier

Style used to be an interaction between the human soul and tools that were limiting. In the digital era, it will have to come from the soul alone.
Anonymous blog comments, vapid video pranks and lightweight mash-ups may seem trivial and harmless, but as a whole, this widespread practice of fragmentary, impersonal communication has demeaned personal interaction.
Musicians and journalists are the canaries in the coalmine, but, eventually, as computers get more and more powerful, it will kill off all middle-class professions.
My parents were kind of like me in that they had tons and tons of weird, amazing stuff.
If there's any object in human experience that's a precedent for what a computer should be like, it's a musical instrument: a device where you can explore a huge range of possibilities through an interface that connects your mind and your body, allowing you to be emotionally authentic and expressive.
The basic problem is that web 2.0 tools are not supportive of democracy by design. They are tools designed to gather spy-agency-like data in a seductive way, first and foremost, but as a side effect they tend to provide software support for mob-like phenomena.
Advertising is the edge of what people know how to do and of human experience and it explains the latest ways progress has changed us to ourselves.
My dad has sometimes felt that I grew up a little lacking in sufficient eccentricity - in the sense that I'm willing to live as an adult in a house with walls that are parallel to each other, that sort of thing.
The wisdom of crowds works when the crowd is choosing the price of an ox, when there's a single numeric average. But if it's a design or something that matters, the decision is made by committee, and that's crap. You want people and groups who are able to think thoughts before they share.
What does it mean to not be alone? I've approached that question through music, technology, writing and other means.
Web 2.0 ideas have a chirpy, cheerful rhetoric to them, but I think they consistently express a profound pessimism about humans, human nature and the human future.
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