
Steckbrief von 
Isaku Kageyama


Samstag, 12. Dezember 1981


San Francisco



Isaku Kageyama (born December 12, 1981 in San Francisco, United States) is an American musician, composer, producer, and educator, specialized in taiko drums. He is a member of Tokyo-based taiko ensemble called Amanojaku and he currently attends Berklee College of Music. He is famous for his fusion of traditional Japanese music with jazz, rock and club music, whereby he has collaborated with many jazz artists such as Eric Gravatt, Terumasa Hino, Toshinori Kondo, and Kazutoki Umezu, as well as a wide range of ethnic musicians.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Isaku Kageyama heute?

42 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Isaku Kageyama?

Wo wurde Isaku Kageyama geboren?

San Francisco

Personen die ebenfalls am Samstag, 12. Dezember 1981 geboren sind

Personen, die ebenfalls in San Francisco geboren sind.
