
Steckbrief von 
Eduardo Capetillo


Montag, 13. April 1970


Mexico City, Mexico



Eduardo Capetillo Vásquez (born April 13, 1970) is a Mexican actor and singer. He was born in Mexico City, Mexico. He belongs to the Capetillo family, who have a long tradition of being bullfighters. Being still very young, he participated in some courses of preparation with the actress Martha Zabaleta and some courses of jazz in the center of qualification of Televisa. His career started when he won the festival Juguemos a Cantar, where he won the second place with the song Mi grupo toca Rock (My band plays rock), later launched by Orfeón Records.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Eduardo Capetillo heute?

54 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Eduardo Capetillo?

Wo wurde Eduardo Capetillo geboren?

Mexico City, Mexico

Mit wem ist Eduardo Capetillo verheiratet?

Bibi Gaytán