
Steckbrief von 
Crystal Gayle


Dienstag, 09. Januar 1951


Paintsville, Kentucky, U.S.



Crystal Gayle (born Brenda Gail Webb; January 9, 1951) is an American country music singer widely known for her 1977 hit "Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue". Initially, Gayle's management and record label were the same as that of her oldest sister, Loretta Lynn. Not finding success with the arrangement after several years, and with Lynn's encouragement, Gayle decided to try a different approach. She signed a new record contract and began recording with Nashville producer Allen Reynolds. Gayle's new sound was sometimes referred to as middle-of-the-road (MOR) or country pop, and was part of a bigger musical trend by many country artists of the 1970s to appeal to a wider audience. Subsequently, Gayle became one of the most successful crossover artists of the 1970s and 80s. Her floor-length hai

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist Crystal Gayle von Beruf?

Wie groß ist Crystal Gayle?


Woher stammt Crystal Gayle?


Wie groß ist das Vermögen von Crystal Gayle?


Wie alt ist Crystal Gayle heute?

74 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Crystal Gayle?

Wo wurde Crystal Gayle geboren?

Personen die ebenfalls am Dienstag, 09. Januar 1951 geboren sind

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