
Steckbrief von 
Bruce Cockburn


Sonntag, 27. Mai 1945


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada



Bruce Douglas Cockburn OC (/ˈkoʊbərn/ KOH-bərn; born May 27, 1945) is a Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist. His song styles range from folk to jazz-influenced rock and his lyrics cover a broad range of topics including human rights, environmental issues, politics, and Christianity.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Bruce Cockburn heute?

79 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Bruce Cockburn?

Wo wurde Bruce Cockburn geboren?

Bekannte Zitate von Bruce Cockburn

The second half of the '60s really was a kind of learning period, in terms of writing, for me.
I woke up one morning with this song in my head, and the opening line of the song is, 'My name was Richard Nixon, only now I'm a girl.'

Personen die ebenfalls am Sonntag, 27. Mai 1945 geboren sind

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