
Steckbrief von 
Abhay Deol


Montag, 15. März 1976


Bombay, Maharashtra, India



Abhay Singh Deol (born 15 March 1976) is an Indian actor and producer who is known for his work in Hindi films. Born in the Deol family, he made his on-screen debut in 2005 with Imtiaz Ali's romantic comedy Socha Na Tha. After the modest success of his debut, Deol was praised for his performances in films such as Manorama Six Feet Under (2007) and Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye! (2008). His breakthrough role came in 2009 with the starring role as Dev in Anurag Kashyap's black comedy Dev.D, a modern-day adaptation of Devdas. Following the success of the film, Deol gained wider recognition.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Abhay Deol heute?

48 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Abhay Deol?

Wo wurde Abhay Deol geboren?

Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Personen die ebenfalls am Montag, 15. März 1976 geboren sind

Personen, die ebenfalls in Bombay, Maharashtra, India geboren sind.
