
Steckbrief von 
Mark Zandi



Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.



Mark M. Zandi is an Iranian-American economist who is the chief economist of Moody's Analytics, where he directs economic research. Zandi's research interests encompass macroeconomics, financial markets and public policy. He analyzes the economic impact of government spending policies and monetary policy response. A trusted advisor to policy makers, he has testified before Congress on the economic outlook, the nation's fiscal challenges, fiscal stimulus and financial regulatory reform. Zandi also publishes on mortgage finance reform and the determinants of foreclosure and personal bankruptcy. He was one of the first economists to warn of the financial crisis of 2008 in 2005.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wo wurde Mark Zandi geboren?

Wo hat Mark Zandi studiert?

University of Pennsylvania

Bekannte Zitate von Mark Zandi

The Tea Party was born out of the disgust many Americans felt early in the financial crisis upon learning that the federal government was even contemplating reducing the principal on some troubled mortgages.
Past experience with fiscal austerity at home and overseas strongly suggests that it is best for the economy's long-run performance to restrain government spending rather than raise taxes.
The discussion in Washington has changed dramatically. I mean, it's no longer a question of should we address entitlements - it's no longer a question of do we need to reduce spending in the future.

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