
Steckbrief von 
Jeb Bush


Mittwoch, 11. Februar 1953


Midland, Texas, U.S.



John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (born February 11, 1953) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 43rd governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. Bush, who grew up in Houston, was the second son of former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and a younger brother of former President George W. Bush. He graduated from Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and attended the University of Texas at Austin, where he earned a degree in Latin American affairs. In 1980, he moved to Florida and pursued a career in real estate development. In 1986, Bush became Florida's Secretary of Commerce. He served until 1988. At that time, he joined his father's successful campaign for the Presidency.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie alt ist Jeb Bush heute?

71 Jahre

Welches Sternzeichen hat Jeb Bush?

Wo wurde Jeb Bush geboren?

Mit wem ist Jeb Bush verheiratet?

Columba Bush

Wo hat Jeb Bush studiert?

Phillips Academy

Bekannte Zitate von Jeb Bush

But without a caring society, without each citizen voluntarily accepting the weight of responsibility, government is destined to grow even larger, taking more of your money, burrowing deeper into your lives.
My guess is my brother would call his mom and his dad pretty regularly, a lot more than I probably did.
It's a complex relationship when your dad happened to be president and you are president and then you have all the amateur psychology that goes on when people try to speculate about motivations.
Good Morning America' exploited Joan Lunden's pregnancy, but you won't see me bringing my babies on the air. The only reason I'm talking about the babies at all is that they've been with me on the show since I became pregnant. After a while, I had to acknowledge this pumpkin tummy.;Jane Pauley;morning 48467;A muscle is like a car. If you want it to run well early in the morning, you have to warm it up.;Florence Griffith Joyner;morning 48468;I don't want to clip on the armour every morning. I've seen some politicians do this and they get a bit mangled and bitter. I just refuse to do that. I refuse to be angry or bitter or complain, and I remain open. I may sometimes be a bit too open but I'm not going to change that one bit.;Nick Clegg;morning 48469;One thing I've very quickly learned is that if you wake up every morning worrying about what's in the press, you would go completely and utterly potty.;Nick Clegg;morning 48470;I've done the most awful rubbish in order to have somewhere to go in the morning.;Richard Burton;morning 48471;What is news? It's hard to quantify. Certainly news has changed completely, and the morning shows are not really designed to bring you the news, except to tell you what happened overnight, and the rest of it is a kind of magazine mentality - a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It's harder to be an educated and informed citizen.;Harrison Ford;morning 48472;The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible.;Jean Kerr;morning 48473;I want to host a religious show. I'm sure nobody will be wanting the 11 o'clock spot on Sunday morning. I think we should really get some of our own preachers and preach that gay is good. And we'd have a great choir.;Kate Clinton;morning 48474;Previously, on Lock, Stock, I went to bed at two in the morning and woke up at five in the morning, and on this one I was known to nod off on the set occasionally.;Guy Ritchie;morning 48475;We went to a small lake, Bass Lake. It was beautiful. It was perfectly still when we got there in the morning. The fog was lifting off the water. It was just magical. And we did catch some fish, 13 fish.;Jennifer Granholm;morning 48476;We awoke one morning in September, and the world lurched on its axis.;Jeb Bush;morning 48477;I don't wake up each morning saying, 'Oh, wow, it's me. I think I'm the cat's meow. I'm the best.
Who among us has never looked up into the heavens on a starlit night, lost in wonder at the vastness of space and the beauty of the stars?
I'm happy to be helping people that are passionate about empowering parents for student learning.
I was blessed to have a mother and father that recognized the value of education.
I don't know if I'm a national education figure.
Traditional marriage is what should be sanctioned.

Personen, die ebenfalls in Midland, Texas, U.S. geboren sind.

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